Nights Remnant Command

eOS [Echo] – Science & Exploration.
Echo Manages the Exploration and yet to be formed Science devision.
He also manages the Nights Remnant Website

Kingindolant – Corporate & Mining
King, our president of the Nomadic Corporate instance. With his forward thinking and knowledge of economic structure, ensuring our continual growth.
King also Manages our Mining Division

Duront – Medical Specialist
Duront is our dedicated medical specialist within the Organisation. Duront specialises in Search & Rescue and in training our members to keep them out of harms way.

Solitude – Combat Specialist
When combat will be present, we call on Solitude to lead in the field. His skill and expertise help teach and guide our troops to victory.

Airborne – Cinematography
Airborn directs, manages, and creates our videos. With many hours spent on the finest details, he ensures our visuals, matches the quality we strive for.

Shade – Exploration
Shade leads the North American branch of the Exploration division. Personally selected by Echo, Shade proves himself time and time again in new environments, getting the data the corporation needs to pave the way for other divisions to set up shop.

Rusty – Salvage Specialist
There is no better to have with you during your Salvage expeditions.
Rusty’s love, knowledge and wisdom in the field of Salvage can barely be matched.

Rajakx – Recruitment Specialist
Rajakx spearheads our recruitment and retention efforts.
His focus is creating a welcoming and dynamic community that fosters cooperative gameplay experiences while accomplishing organizational goals

LegendGamea – Overlord
Legend is the leader of our Organisation. With his steady hand and his vision for potential, helps spearhead Nights Remnant forward.
Legend is also the point man of our Fleet Sec & Asset Protection, consisting of multiple Destroyer Class vessels.